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Day 16

Greater freedom and healing! Hoping and praying for even more!

I have been involved with M. for many years. She had gradually become affected by some addictions which were damaging to herself and to those around her. She had become manipulative, socially and financially. Many people had tried to help her, in various ways, over the years but without her experiencing any lasting freedom.

Last December she was persuaded to try rehab. She agreed to do so and was accepted very quickly. However, as Christmas approached, she was talking of signing herself out of the rehab as she did not wish to be there for Christmas Day. The rehab would allow her out for Christmas Day but not overnight. Her home was a long distance away from the rehab and transport difficulties on Christmas Day meant that it was not feasible for her to go home and return on that day. M. was becoming more and more unhappy at the thought of being in rehab for Christmas Day.

I was becoming increasingly concerned. If M. signed herself out, would the rehab take her back? Would M. lose this opportunity for the sake of one day? What else was there left to try in order to help her? Everyone seemed to have tried everything possible.

Brian had been teaching about the reality of being oppressed by evil spirits. I wondered if perhaps M. was experiencing some form of spiritual oppression. After the Service, one Sunday, I explained the situation briefly to Brian and he prayed for freedom and healing for M.

What happened then? A Christian group, with whom M,. had had some links, made contact with her and invited her for Christmas Day. They were about a half-hour drive from the rehab and offered to pick her up and take her back again. The immediate challenge had been resolved! Thank You God!

After a few weeks, M. was discharged from the rehab and returned home with adjusted medication.. I have had several lengthy conversations with her over the months since then. She seems to have changed greatly --- more peaceful, more placid, more content, more aware of other people, more focused on her prayer life with Jesus.There is still need for more freedom and deeper healing for M. But her situation is no longer at crisis point.

I am deeply grateful to Jesus for the greater peace which M. is now experiencing. It was very painful to watch her destroying herself and those around her. My hope and prayer is that God will work even more wonderfully in her life to increase the healing which has begun. Thank You God again and again!!!  You are so amazing! With You there is always more!!! I call forth more blessings for M in the Powerful Name of Jesus! Amen! Amen!    


Deirdre O'Reilly

Re:Hope West End


Do you know anyone who needs freedom and help in a similar way? Pray with high faith for them today! 



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