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Day 20

As a final year medical student, I was required to rank different cities and locations throughout Scotland to determine where I was going to be placed for my first job as a junior doctor. My wife and I chatted all the options through and in the end I ranked all the places I was happy to go to, with Glasgow taking top spot, then Edinburgh and so on. Dundee was left unranked as I really wasn’t a fan of going there.

I sent off the application and didn’t think much more about it, until a couple of days later when I decided to re-read the email again. In the email it said in bold that ‘If you fail to rank all options, then you will be given a job in an unranked option’. Did my inability to read an email properly mean we were moving to Dundee for the next 2 years? 

We had a bunch of people praying for this, and really believed and trusted that God would provide, whatever the outcome. God really did move and I got offered my first choice rank, and will now be working in Wishaw for the next 2 years. Praise God.


Thomas Macdonald

Re:Hope Southside


Bring a situation that could cause worry to God again today, trusting that He is able to look after you, no matter what happens.

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