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Day 21

"But to all who did receive him [Jesus], who believed in his name, he gave the right to become children of God."  John 1:12

In February last year, a friend gave me a small white stone she had found on a beach.  She said it reminded her of the stone God talks about in Revelation 2:17  - "To the one who overcomes ... I will give him a white stone with a new name written on the stone that no one knows except the one who receives it".  I was intrigued and wondered: am I allowed to know this new name now or do I have to wait until I die?  Would it be disrespectful to even ask God? So I asked Him (very respectfully) if it was alright, could I please know the new name He has for me?

Within a couple of minutes a word I didn't know popped into my head. And it sounded really like it could be a name. I was so surprised! I thought, nah, I'm just imagining it. But then, I thought, well you just asked God a question — why are you not believing that he has answered you!?

So I googled it (of course) and immediately found that it is indeed a name. And the meaning of it made me cry with thankfulness and joy. It means "Daughter of heaven." God calls me his daughter!

Last November, Brian was preaching about this bit of Revelation and said that perhaps it was important for some people to know the new name that God has for them.  

My birth family was not an easy place to grow up and for various reasons I have experienced feelings of deep shame and complete insignificance. But God calls me Daughter. Both my parents are dead and my family home has gone. But God calls me Daughter. I have no contact with any of my siblings (which is for the best but a loss, nonetheless.) But God calls me Daughter. That is who he says I am. I have a place in his kingdom. I will always be welcome in his home. He has given me a new life and a new family. And just to prove it, He has given me a name that means all of  those things! Still makes my heart burst to think of it.

I have kept the wee white stone where I can see it everyday, to remind me.

God is amazing!


Belinda Petherick-Kerr

Re:Hope West End


Is there anything you’d love to know, that you’ve never actually asked God about before? Ask Him today in prayer, and take a note of whatever comes to mind — in faith that He hears, cares, and wants to speak to you.


1 Comment

Sep 29, 2024

Hi Belinda --- what an amazing story ! I thought i would have a try ! What came to mind was 2 'words ' which i often use when praying in tongues. The first one I could not get a recognised meanng for --- but the second was the Yiddish for ' nap' or 'sleep'' -- I am still laughing hours later --- as I have been sneaking in a couple of hours sleep here and there for a while-- looks like God has been watching me !!! Thanks for your sharing ! Utterly wonderful !

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