I've been in recovery for over four and a half years thanks to King Jesus. All the glory belongs to him. I was attending recovery meetings for a long time, and was finding myself depending on others, and my attendance, to keep me in a place of sobriety.

Through doing Remain this year I learned that I was holding on to a lot of fear, and I wasn't trusting Jesus fully with my recovery and my life overall. I prayed for him to reveal to me just how much I can rely on him, and for him to make that so clear to me, and remove any doubt.
I haven't been to a recovery meeting in over 8 months. I have been set free from the fear of not going. My recovery has grown in strength because now I truly depend on the Lord, and no other human being. My relationship with Jesus has grown from asking him to set me free. Now a day doesn't go by when I don’t talk to him.
Ryan Wardhaugh
Re:Hope West End
Is there any area of your life you need to be set free from fear? Ask King Jesus to do that today.