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Day 30

When on Uist mission in July this year, I found myself in a situation outside my comfort zone. I had told Laura that I was very happy to be involved in prayer and prayer ministry, however, the less expected involvement in prayer walks for three days, to say nothing about 'leading', was something else. 

Whilst my heart was definitely in it, my autistic brain was already booked on the next ferry back to the mainland. I had always admired people at the West End, who went on prayer walks into Partick, as being people on a different, bold, faith track from me. On Uist, I found myself in a little group of the same, fantastic mission team members each day, going out on afternoon prayer walks in Lochmaddy. 

We all simply supported each other and God was our lead throughout our time together. We would begin by praying outside the church hall, sometimes placing our hands on the walls in prayer, and praying God's Kingdom presence and Holy Spirit over it. One day, we found ourselves in amongst three derelict buildings, where once there had been Freemasonry practice. We prayed God's powerful presence into that specific area. One of the group commented how 'derelict' our lives are without Christ. Curiosity took me round the back of the building where I saw old timbers with rusty nails through them, boarding up the empty stone windows. That image reminded me of Christ on the cross, that He gave His life for us. We would pray out towards Skye and pray for safety for all who work on the seas. We prayed over the local housing area, for salvations. We prayed for local businesses, that they would be sustained and thrive. God gave each of us pictures, verses and words on those prayer walks, and it was inspirational and a privilege, to walk those few hours together, with Jesus in our midst and in our footsteps. 

Two in our group were from USA, and although I had never met them before, there was an instant bond in Christ, we spoke the same language! (My editor, Belinda, said to me, it's amazing what goes on in that head of yours…)

 If you want prayer encouragement, go on a prayer walk!


John Kerr

Re:Hope West End


If you find yourself in a similar position of having an opportunity to step out of your comfort zone, pray for Holy Spirit boldness today! 



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