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Day 33

Matthew 14:22-33

For many years I have prayed for children to hear about Jesus and know Him. During Fasting Week 2020 I heard the whisper of God’s voice telling me that He wanted me to write a book. It took my breath away, although I knew that he would provide all the strength and help needed to do it. I responded with all the strength I had. After continued prayer the Lord guided me about how to proceed. My faith was ignited, and I started writing, trusting God for the outcome. 

It began to dawn on me that I should start with the story about Jonah. The obvious thing was to turn to scripture and know thoroughly what the Bible says about Jonah. I also researched on Google as much as I could, and read and re-read various versions of the story. 

My big problem was illustrations. I prayed for a like-minded illustrator who would understand the brief. Around the same time Ruth Weller mentioned in a passing conversation that she was going to YWAM in Hawaii to learn about children’s illustration. She suggested we could collaborate. After a short meeting in which she read the manuscript and I showed her pictures and diagrams of what I had in mind, she said she would make a start on some pictures. 

At last, although I felt inadequately prepared, and still without pictures, I emailed the manuscript to a Christian publisher. They were outstandingly gracious to me, although it didn’t fit their publishing plan, and they made wise suggestions about how to proceed. I was completely astonished to even get a response, as I expected months or even years of rejections! I followed their advice and prayerfully chose another publisher, submitting the manuscript again without illustrations. 

Almost immediately, I received a very enthusiastic reply with a glowing resume of the submissions panel’s comments. I was overjoyed! 

Concurrently, Ruth had almost perfectly finished the pictures and was able to send them to me for approval. She submitted them directly to the publisher to be matched up with my manuscript. Soon I had a release date for the finished publication. 

The hand of the Lord has been so evident throughout the journey, to anybody who hears God’s call to step out into the unknown, I would say to them: “ Don’t hold back!” because God has already planned it and He is there to guide you through. 


Jane Hird

Re:Hope West End


Continue to take note of what God is speaking through this season of prayer, and look over what you’ve recorded so far. Are there any ways He’s asking you to step out and follow Him!?



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