I have had an abundance of answers to prayer in the past year. Prayers answered in outrageous ways.
In May 2023, I knew God was calling me to Scotland but had no idea what the moving timeline would look like. God provided a full-time job May 2nd.

In June that summer I was driving to help with my church's youth group and on the way I tried to brake and discovered the braking was "Braking Bad." Thank the Lord there was a farm lane I could coast up. After calling my dad, I walked up to the farmhouse I came to a gradual stop in front of and explained the situation. They were having a family cookout and invited me to join. I made it to youth group that evening after arranging for a tow truck. After 2 months that car, endearingly called ‘Chip’ — due to the copious amounts of paint peeling off — finally died after getting me home from work one final time. Later that night I relayed the news to my siblings who knew of Chip's tumultuous health history and asked them to keep an ear out for an inexpensive car that would reliably get me to and from work until I moved to Scotland. My brother-in-law started laughing because he had just gotten back from his grandparent's house and they had asked him if he was interested in buying his great-grandma's car. Within 4 hours I checked out the car. That's how I got Beula, the 1996 Buick. She is not without her quirks, one of which is that she randomly shuts off while driving, and I have to shift her into neutral and restart the car. She had just over 160,000 km and was only €450. She has a horn that sounds like a freight train whistle, providing a wealth of enjoyment. She successfully got me to and from work and I didn't need a car payment.
A fear I initially had in moving was my living situation. God provided me the opportunity to live with my current flat-mate way back in June of 2023. No idea how God worked all that out, but he did. As my dates for moving got further and further into the future I kept messaging my now flatmate double checking that it was still cool if I moved in March 2024 and to my surprise she kept saying yes. Before moving, I initially told my flatmate "it's okay if we are two adults who live together, we don't need to be friends, but I sure would love to be friends."
I am so thankful to call my flatmate a dear friend. My whole living situation is beautifully absurd in a way only God could have orchestrated.
In the midst of moving my goal was to finish well in Pennsylvania and start well in Scotland. Upon moving to Scotland I entered an environment completely out of my control that has required surrendering my expectations every day. I have been blessed in so many ways... none of which have been in the slightest way anticipated.
Gretta Kriner
Re:Hope West End
Can you retrace your steps today and see God’s hand in bringing you to where you are? Let thankfulness fuel your prayers today as you look ahead!