In Spring 2023 the Lord spoke to me and said "I'm going to give you a new car, and a new home, for a new season.”
My initial response was, “really Lord? That sounds a little prosperity gospel to me. Our car is fine and we love our home!” Little did we know the drastic and stressful changes that would take place in our lives that year.

In the weeks that followed, our car unexpectedly broke down beyond repair, and God made it possible for us to get a new one. You can ask me that story sometime.
As for our home…
We loved our flat. It had been our home for 9 years, and we had no reason to move. However, weeks after the Lord spoke, we found out our mortgage would be increasing by a jaw dropping £700. Just as God had been faithful to resolve our car issues, we clung onto hope that He would do the same for our home.
The rest of 2023 became a treasure hunt with the Lord, as we sought Him for what kind of home to look for. Our 10 year old son who who is highly resistant to change, specified to God that our new house needed to be on our street, or the one behind. That didn’t seem likely, considering the whole point was we couldn’t afford something similar to what we were in anymore, but still, I told him it was worth the ask. Our 8 year old daughter on the other hand was much more open minded about change. In July, she asked God to show her our new house. She received a picture in her mind, and proceeded to draw a very specific house next to the words “it will be a 5 bedroom, 3 bathroom, 2 floor, says God”. I asked the Lord, “if you’re really giving us a house like that, how will we afford that?” Amazingly, God then released a new business idea that would fund this very different kind of life and family home.
In October, the exact house our daughter drew, in the street behind our flat, appeared on Rightmove. Having tested and tried what God had been speaking all year, we had the confidence to put in an offer in. We knew our offer was lower than what our competitors would put in, but we put it in in faith.
In November, our offer was accepted. To add more spice to the story, my position at work was made redundant 2 hours before we received the e-mail from the estate agent, congratulating us on our accepted offer. This was shocking and confusing news, but again we knew… God was behind this house move, so He would indeed make a way. And He did.
We have now been in our new house for 6 months. We are living a life of pioneering new ministry, taking risks to expand our business, and renovating our gorgeous new home. All right round the corner from the flat that accommodated us so well for a decade. And now it is so clear, that we would not be able to do any of our new ventures, had we stayed where we were.
As it says in Nahum, sometimes God is in the whirlwind and the storm.
Ruth Weller
Re:Hope Southside
Come with renewed trust today that God really does know what He’s doing, and is able to make your way clear. Ask Him to keep leading you through!