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Day 38

Throughout my adult life I have struggled with ill health and pain. In previous years I had gone many times for prayer for healing and nothing seemingly changed and I found myself wrestling with ‘learning to be content’ and ‘praying continuously’. I felt like if I were to continuously pray for healing then I was not in a place where I could say ‘it is well with my soul’. So, for many years I sat under the ‘it is well with my soul’ attitude, whilst knowing my silent heart’s desire was for full and complete healing. I stopped asking God to heal me and I stopped asking others to pray for my healing.

Around the end of 2022 I felt a stirring and was bold enough to admit I was no longer content.  I was heading to my 50th feeling like I was so limited in my life due to navigating so much pain in my body. I had become someone who, with all good intentions, was no longer transparent with friends or family about how much pain I was in. I wanted to protect them all from carrying emotional pain due to me being in pain all the time.  

I began to seek prayer and deliverance ministry opportunities and was challenged with ‘how can people share in my testimony if they haven’t been allowed to share in my journey?’. So, I also began pushing myself to be more honest about my struggles. One of my prayer requests on my 2023 fasting card was for full and complete healing within 2023. 

Throughout the year I went for more deeper healing prayer ministry and deliverance and in December there was a shift! I believe I was healed in December of 2023 despite still having pain in my body. For the first time in a long time, I felt like I was partnering with sincere believers who believe in our supernatural God and were fully expectant with me, that I would be pain free. My focus/dream was that I would be able to dance at my son’s wedding by June of this year. Two days before the wedding, I was in a lot of pain. Along with others, I was praying a lot that in the Name of Jesus the pain would leave. By the day of the wedding I was pain free, no pain medication and I danced! (more than I was able to dance at my own wedding – 24 years ago today!). Thank you Jesus! I have also started to make small progress with exercising – the first time properly in 30+ years.  I have pain – but it’s exercise pain!  I truly thank God for being so gracious to me in my journey over the years. 

God is so good, He is so faithful and He gets all the Glory of the testimony.


Gaynor Harvey

Re:Hope Southside


Is there a prayer you’ve been tempted to give up on? Share this with someone you trust, and recommit to hope-fuelled persistent prayer in the days to come. 



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