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Day 39

8 years ago we discovered that Andy required treatment on his eyes as a complication of being Type 1 diabetic. What followed was years of complications, injections, laser procedures and surgery to slow down the condition, minimise the impact and try to save the vision in the eye. 

Through those years God was good, we learnt how to go to Him with our fears and expectations, how to be content and to rely on Him. I saw God answer my prayers many times, Andy didn’t lose his sight, he didn’t have to give up driving and amazingly last year, his eyes stabilized and the fear of it getting worse subsided. 

However Andy’s vision was still impacted and he had the opportunity to have surgery to potentially fix what they thought might be the issue and causing the blurry patches. 

In honesty, I found it very hard to believe this could help and to pray boldly. I wanted to pray for full restoration of his sight but it felt like God had answered my prayers so many times, how could I expect or ask for more. I feared it could lead to disappointment and unsettle my contentment which would then reduce my appreciation of all God had done over the years. 

So I asked my BRT to pray, they encouraged me that while I may struggle, they would stand with us and pray boldly on my behalf. Additionally as soon as I had typed this all out and hit send, the fear didn’t feel so big and I felt much more confident to boldly and pray from a place of knowing God was good.  

Amazingly, after the procedure Andy’s vision was clearer. Clearer than it’s been in the last 8 years. It’s not perfect but provides us with so much joy and hope and encourages me to keep praying boldly. 


Claire Young

Re:Hope Southside


Is there anything you’re struggling to expect God for more in? Any fear of disappointment niggling at you? Copy Claire and share a prayer need with a friend/BRT group, and bring it to God assured of His unlimited goodness!



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