When God called me to Glasgow, I knew there would be challenges but I had faith that God would be alongside me through it all. The two biggest prayer points I had when I left South Africa was that God would bring me into a good church and that God would provide Godly friends.

God very quickly brought me into Re:Hope and answered that prayer. Over time he has brought so many incredible friends into my life here in Glasgow but has also been faithful in developing the friendships I have back home — an answered prayer in abundance.
In the time spent here, there have also been several prayers in less than ideal situations accommodation wise. God has always provided a flat for me at just the right time. His faithfulness has never failed even when it felt like everything was crashing down.
God has always protected me and provided when I have most needed it.
Matthew Fast
Re:Hope West End
How have you seen God’s faithfulness play out in your life so far? Remember this part of His character and thank Him again today!