During Remain last year, my ministry focus was community outreach, I wasn't even sure if that was a thing and what my year would look like. I was so focused on 'what was next' that I was forgetting to actually be present in the moment, where I was, and what God wanted to do. I realised that major things can be easily missed when always focusing on what is ahead.

So, as I was thinking all these things, I was seated in a cafe close to church and, looking around this cafe, I asked myself a question: 'how can I reach a community that I don't know?'.
I then asked God what He wanted to do through me for that year and even just in that moment. As I was looking around the cafe, I became aware of the hustle and bustle of professionals on their lunch break, friends reuniting, older couples admiring the young couple's baby — people and relationship. There was a real natural sense of the need for deeper connections.
Then, randomly it seemed, the idea of a baby bank came to mind. A place where people who were in need of baby supplies would be able to freely receive it. A place where physical needs can be met, and working alongside re:play, they may be blessed through community and conversation.
I later found out that there was a dire need for baby essentials across the UK and baby banks were overprescribed.
Through more prayer and surrendering of all plans, God has provided faithful donators; favour among surrounding charities in sharing resources; and steadfast prayer warriors who continue to encourage and support.
I gave it to God, and He has snowballed this random thought in a cafe to a thriving hub for people who would have never considered coming into a church to find their provision.
Reb Thackeray
Re:Hope Southside
Ask God today the questions on your heart. Spend time listening and recording what comes to mind, even those ‘random thoughts’ — expecting that He wants to speak to you!