Each of our services starts with a time of prayer.
We spend 30 minutes praying for God to move in our lives, our church and our city.
We believe in the power of prayer and in our God who hears and answers. There is something so powerful when God's people come together to pray urgently.
This time is guided by elders and pastors using a helpful, Biblical structure.
To start these prayer times, we spent a few moments re-aligning our hearts with God's. We quietly stand in agreement with God that we don't always follow Him as He deserves.
We repent personally, on behalf of Re:Hope Church and Glasgow.
Next, we honour God with our sung worship, and then by calling out our prayers of praise.
We praise God with thankfulness, for who He is and what He has done across history and for us personally.
Our service
At this point, we turn our attention to calling on God to move in our service.
We pray for all specific aspects of our service including welcome, worship, teaching, kids, and prayer ministry.
Turning out to face Glasgow, we call on God to bring reawakening in our city. We pray specifically for the areas of Glasgow where Re:Hope's locations are ministering and for the next generation.
Next, we spend a few moments in silence listening to God for His heart for our service and our city.
To close our prayer time we follow the Biblical example of declaring reasons why we have confidence that God will hear and answer our prayers.
After our prayer time, we split into smaller groups to feedback how God directed our prayers.
During this time we look for similarities between our prayers to find themes, succinctly share a word or picture that God gave us to discern God's desires for our service.
Finally we succinctly share our three main themes with the whole group.